Unibail-Rodamco: CRM Strategy & Customer journey digitalization in the mall

Client: Unibail-Rodamco
Date: 2014
Services: Digital Strategy & Service Design


Define the new national CRM strategy and improve the customer journey in the mall through digital innovation 



Unibail Rodamco is the leader in commercial real estate management and master the business of qualified traffic provider to its stores’ clients.

This business has a natural extension in the digital world, mobile and social web, as they naturally fit in the customer journeys.

The next step of this proven excellence is to build a Customer Relationship Management for its malls and leverage the digital to increase customer satisfaction.

Unibail Rodamco was convinced by human centred design and we followed the Design Thinking method from the Stanford Design School

0. Frame

Frame the CRM and understand the Data, tools and investments constraints and expected ROI.

Phase 1 – Empathize

Go to the field to understand people’s real needs and expectations regarding loyalty to the malls

Phase 2 – Ideate

Co-create the design principles of a feasible, viable and and desirable CRM approach

Phase 3 – Final strategy

Produce and share the CRM Strategy