Matrix: Intelligent marketing budget management solution

Client: Pernod Ricard
Date: 2020 - 2023
Services: Product Design


Rolled-out in 30 countries with an impact of 50 M€ on the contributive margin per year

Optimized marketing budget allocation between brands and touchpoints.



Introduce Marketing Effectiveness practices and real time data into the marketing budget allocation.

My team and I worked on this product continuously. Rolling-out new countries every 6 to 12 months, and integrating new modifications requiered by the users and countries management.

More information about the digital transformation in Pernod Ricard FY21 Annual Report Page 34


We adopted a Lean UX and Dual Track approach to continuously improve Matrix.


  1. Business interviews to frame the challenges
  2. Prioritize the core features of the MVP,
  3. Co-design with the core team composed by marketing experts.

Discovery Track

  1. Continuous research (business interviews and feedback loop) with the market
  2. Ideate with the core team,
  3. Experiment ideas with users
  4. Define a 18 months product vision and roadmap
  5. Co-design with the final users and experts

Delivery Track

  1. Agile development
  2. Short term UX/UI execution



  1. Align design output and development capacity planning
  2. Setup feedback loop and analytics tools to monitor product use
  3. Move from project to product mode to improve value over time

Final screens

Spend allocation optimization

Historical data analysis

Historical data per brand, cross-market analysis 

Waterfall for net sell levers impact analysis 

Control tower for AI scenario creation